Welcome to our FPS Autumn Newsletter and welcome to our new members!
This is a time of lots of changes for everyone. The ‘ new normal’ of the pandemic has become yet another ‘new normal’ with changes to almost everything we took for granted prior to March 2020. There are scare stories in the media about almost everything, and I’m sure that many of us are finding it hard to grapple with the changes in how we access one of the basics: health care. This is where FPS comes in for patients of Parkwood Surgery.
Good health is not just about the absence of being ill. It encompasses almost everything about us all, whatever age and whatever our circumstances, from just getting on with daily life, ‘keeping going’ in these troubling times, through to our physical health and mental health. In FPS, as patients ourselves , and representatives of you as patients, we are committed to being the bridge between patients and the Surgery- but to enable us to do this effectively, we need to know from YOU what it is that’s working well in the Surgery and what’s keeping you awake at night.
We’re hoping to be able to meet you at the surgery from time to time and we will be at the ‘flu clinics helping out as usual. Do come and talk with us. Look at our new website and put faces to us alongside any events that are planned. There is a contact form – no personal complaints please – we’re happy to hear from you on any subject affecting you as patients of Parkwood Drive.
Yvonne Metcalf
FPS Chair
It’s that time of year again when we must start planning for the flu season!
Parkwood Surgery will be holding numerous flu clinics starting mid to late September!
For those that are eligible to have the flu vaccine this year, the surgery will be starting to send out invitations from next week! This will be via a text message so please ensure that you have your contact details up to date.
Covid Autumn Boosters will be commencing from early September also, starting with our care home residents and housebound patients. This is co-ordinated by the same team from the Maxted Road vaccination site. They will be sending out text invitations for eligible patients to book for a clinic which will be held at various GP surgeries around Hemel Hempstead. You can also book online via the NHS at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/book-coronavirus-vaccination/ or by calling NHS 111.